February 25, 2022 from IJCLab
Dear colleagues,
For 15 years the physicists, the engineers and the technical staff of Orsay have built strong and solid scientific and educational links with Ukraine. We have founded the TESHEP (Trans-European School of High Energy Physics) and the IRP IDEATE (Instrumentation Developments for Experiments at Accelerator facilities and accelerating TEchniques). Several colleagues from IJCLab have had the opportunity to visit Ukraine on several occasions, in cities that are currently at the heart of tragic events.
About a hundred Ukrainian students have done their internship in our laboratory, dozens of students have done their master and thesis with us. By this way today several colleagues of the laboratory are involved in collaborations with our Ukrainian colleagues.
I am very saddened and extremely worried about the war situation in Ukraine. I have a thought for our students and colleagues present today at IJCLab and in Ukraine and for their families who are living dramatic days.
I want to end with a message of hope and commitment by affirming our strong will to continue our scientific and pedagogical exchanges and collaborations with the universities and research centers in Ukraine.
Yours sincerely, Achille
February 25, 2022 form Paris-Saclay DFR (Direction de la Formation et de la Réussite)
This message is therefore addressed to all Ukrainian students who have been identified by the services of Paris-Saclay University.
A few hours after the start of Russia’s offensive against Ukraine, Paris-Saclay University is mobilised to give help and support to all its Ukrainian students by setting up a dedicated unit.
Thus, for any question or request, do not hesitate to contact: cellule-crise.presidence@universite-paris-saclay.fr. et international.welcomedesk@universite-apris-saclay.fr
An answer will be given to you as soon as possible.
Best regards,
February 28, 2022 from IN2P3
Chers collègues,
Dans ce moment difficile, la direction de l’IN2P3 s’associe aux nombreux témoignages de solidarité et de soutien aux ukrainiens. Toutes les collaborations institutionnelles avec les laboratoires situés sur le territoire russe ont été immédiatement suspendues. Une cellule de soutien aux collègues ukrainiens est par ailleurs mise en place afin, par exemple, de faciliter et soutenir financièrement d’éventuels séjours dans les laboratoires pilotés par l’institut. Cette cellule est composée de Marie-Hélène Schune (pilote et personne à contacter), Serguey Barsuk et Laurent Vacavant. N’hésitez pas à les solliciter.
Reynald Pain
Directeur de l’IN2P3